Sunday, June 7, 2009

Treble Singers Recital

Michael and Jenn did such a great job in their recital. Michael really carried the Men's parts as the other boy in the group lost his voice. :( We were so proud of them!!! Here are two of the songs. I will download some more later.


  1. So fun to see your pictures and your adorable family. That little one is cute, cute, cute. Your life is busy and full. I'm so glad you are documenting and we get to peek in. I miss you lady! (PS Did you ever get my email about Beverly's contact information? Will you let me know? Thanks.)

  2. Way to go Michael!!! You rocked the house with your amazing voice!!! We love you!! Kristy

  3. Such sweet, clear voices! What a treat!

  4. Well, Julie, I'm glad you clued me in that those little arrows at the bottom of the pictures mean that I can actually LISTEN to the posts! I have just been enjoying Treble Singers, the Famous Virginians Virginia Reel, and Crazy for You. All just wonderful!

    Your technologically savvy MIL

  5. Well, I saved this one till last and what a treat. I loved hearing these three songs from this outstanding group. I loved the part singing and both Jenn and Michael sang and looked GREAT. I am so grateful that you all take the time to share these things with us. Love, Mom
