Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow (finally)

The kids were SOOOO thrilled that it finally snowed. Jacob (especially) loved the snow and being able to go sledding. We are expecting some more - we are anxiously awaiting the decision to close school for tomorrow. (I am not holding my breath!)


  1. I remember from last year how Jacob loved the snow especially when he had his cousins playing with him. What a fun day for everyone.

  2. p.s. I love that big smile on Carter-man's face. He looks like he had a great time as well.

  3. What fun snow-men and girls! Looks like they had a great time. The best part for me about the snow is going inside for a nice hot cup of hot chocolate!!!

  4. What cute kids!!! I just wish we could have gotten a picture of the crusty angry snow plow man who did not appreciate us yelling at him to go away and leave our street alone several times!!!
