We are the Frederickson family. Dave, Julie, Matthew, Michael, Carter and Jacob. We are excited to have this blog to share with our families away from home.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Look Heaveward - Press Onward! YC-10 in Kirtland
We had a wonderful few days in Kirtland Ohio with our amazing youth in the Oakton Stake. It started out bright and early on Thursday morning. We left the house at 4:30 am and headed out to the Franklin building. We found our van (a huge 15 passenger one!) and got the list of kids we would lead for the next few days. Our group was named Cahoon and we had 13 terrific kids - of all ages and from all wards. I was so nervous about driving those vans - but Dave did a super job and I felt a peace the whole time we were gone. There were 15 vans and i loved seeing them out on the road - or at the rest stop for lunch. The trip took about 7 hours and we went straight to the Stake center in Kirtland for a service project. Our group also went over to the temple to sand the benches at the outside pavilion. The kids worked so hard and did such a good job - that the next night - we all dad dust from the sanding all over our clothes! After the service project - we went to the Quarry where the Saints dug the stones for the temple. It was amazing to see some of the tool marks still on the rocks theres. Then we went to the college to check in and get our rooms set and get dinner. That night the kids had activiites and games. I helped at the friendship bracelet table. Seeing that I can not make one for my life - i mostly went around and invited kids who were alone or not participating to come and make a bracelet. Right before bed - we met with our "families" and had a devotional. Our Youth Committee member led it and did a great job. He bore his testimony about the experiences we could have tomorrow if we are prepared and obedient. We bore our testimonies and had a song. It was very nice. I was a little stressed however because - just as we began - Brody Buhler whispered in my ear that he had just scared away a skunk and that it had ran towards us. Hmmm. That would have been lovely. I smelled the skunk that night as I laid in bed. Glad it did not come for us.
The next morning - we got up early (5;30) and got ready and got breakfast and left for the day of church sites. It was a wonderful and spiritual day. We started out at the Visitors Center and saw a film about Kirtland and the Whitney family. We then left and went to the temple. We toured the Kirtland temple and were able to learn a lot of the history and background of the temple. We sang we thank thee o god for a prophet and I was very touched. After the temple - we went back to the Visitors Center and toured the Newel K. Whitney store. The church really does it right and the area around the store is all restored and it looks amazing. It amazed me at the reverance the kids had as we entered into the school of the prophets. They loved the stories of the revelations recieved there and the testimonies they read. It is humbling to me to walk the same floors that the Prophet Joseph walked. After spending some time there - we went to the Morley farm and had lunch. Unfortunatley - there is not much to see at the Morley farm - even though that is one of the places where God the Father and Jesus appeared. (I am going to have Beverly talk to someone about that)
The next place we went was to the Johnson Farm. I loved it. What great sacrifices they made for the church. All the kids were touched by the story of Joseph being dragged out of the house and tarred and feathered - then after spending the night peeling off the tar - he preached on the porch of the farm about brotherly kindness. 3 of the members of the mob were converted that morning. It was touching again to be in the revelation room and listen to the kids read the testimonies of the events that occured there. The spirit was so strong. You could tell you were standing on sacred ground.
After that - we rushed back to the college to change and have dinner before heading out to the temple for the sacrament meeting. It was a wonderful meeting. The spirit was so strong and so many of those kids were prepared to feel the spirit. It was amazing to me that they got the significance of the sacrament there and the importance of bringing the Priesthood back to the Kirtland temple. The music was so powerful - esp. In the Very room and of course - The spirit of God. I dont know how a sound came out with all of those kids crying so much. My favorite part was as i walked out of the temple - all the kids were standing there in a group and staring at the temple. They did not want to leave. We all stood there for quite a long time. The next morning we had a great testimony meeting, Both michael and matthew bore beautiful testimonies. I was such a proud mom. We have amazing youth in our stake and I was honored to be able to go and witness this life changing event.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Jake's America Play
Monday, May 24, 2010
Trip to Salt Lake City
I had a wonderful few days in Salt Lake. I visited with Beverly and we had a terrific time. Her apartment is at Eagle Gate and it is right across from Temple Square. It was so nice to be able to go to the temple and to temple square whenever i wanted to. I love the Salt lake temple!!! It was also fun to have a lunch with kathy, colleen, dale, Jenica and Shelley. We ate at the garden room in the JSB and it was so much fun.
Jacob's field trip
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sundayhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Friday, April 2, 2010
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